Contacting an Agent
Please read each agent bio to determine who you think would best represent your genre of work. When you have chosen your agent, please write his or her name in the subject line of your email and send it to [email protected] with your query letter in the body of the email, and your proposal or sample material as an attached word document.
Carole Jelen
Technology, Business
Margot Maley Hutchison
Computer, health, psychology, parenting, fitness, pop-culture, and business.
Johanna Maaghul
Non Fiction, Fiction
Kristen Moeller
Self improvement/Women
Kimberly Brabec
International Rights
Gayle Gladstone
All Genres
Information for Authors
Submission Guidelines
Guidelines for submitting manuscripts and proposals can be found here.
Proposal Guide
TECHNOLOGY/HOW-TO Check out our proposal guide with information and tips on creating a winning proposal. Be sure to read this before you contact an agent with you idea.
Agency Agreement
Please download and sign our Author Agent Agreement. This is required of all authors prior to being represented by Waterside Productions.